The Purpose is to evangelize and make disciples. These will be smaller groups (membership side) Connect and teach.
Our process is something like this:
- Take chaotic boys
- Make them young orderly men and
- Encourage them to become creative patriarchs (disciple making)
If you’re a trouble maker, an outcast, a monster, a scally-wag or a rascal, then you are exactly who we are calling. You’re our kind of person. Let’s connect and build something together.
1 Timothy 2:1-4
". . . to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."
Matthew 28:19 ". . .make disciples . . .
1 Chronicles 12:32
Like the sons of Issachar ". . .understand the times, with knowledge of what to do."
Please consider RJ's book "Belief" as a companion read. It can be purchased on Amazon.