As many of you may know, I just returned from Rome, Italy where I completed the Rome Marathon on March 19, 2023. Rome is a city built upon a city and for 2,000 years has been the center of commerce, culture and religious importance. It is hard to understand the rich history of that city without actually being there to see it for yourself. It is truly a remarkable place.
As I immersed myself in the city and its history, I began to see similarities with ancient Rome and our current situation in the United States. Tyranny is common throughout history and if history has taught us anything it’s that the world is controlled by dominant men using aggressive use of force. The worth and value of the individual is irrelevant except for the way and ability to support the regime. This support is generally found in a man’s ability to pay taxes, his vote and his compliance with the will of the regime in power.
Never has this been more obvious in the United States than under the so called covid pandemic. Individuals were forced to comply with unconstitutional mandates for wearing a mask and getting compulsory vaccinations or risk being ostracized and denied access to stores, churches and even loved ones. Some even lost their jobs, long term careers for refusing an experimental gene modification drug that has never been approved by the FDA. From a Biblical perspective, this is the closest thing I have seen to the “mark of the beast.”
Now, with the advent of blockchain and the imminent Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), we are starting to witness an ever stronger and insidious form of control. With this technology, the regime will be able to not only control when d where you travel, but they can dictate how, when and where you spend your money, having complete control over your finances with a social credit system.
But remember, this is nothing new. Evil men have always, always, desired to command and control you. Tyranny is as old as time and violence is its ultimate weapon. This goes back to the dawn of time when Cain killed his brother Able out of envy and anger for his inability to get his own way.
Throughout history, humanity has witnessed some of the most brutal and oppressive regimes that have ever existed. Regimes characterized by tyranny, authoritarianism, and the suppression of individual liberties. Their legacy is one of suffering, pain, and destruction, and their memory serves as a warning to future generations about the dangers of unchecked power. In this article, I will explore some of the most significant tyrannical regimes in history.
- The Roman Empire The Roman Empire is one of the most significant tyrannical regimes in history. The Empire was ruled by a succession of emperors who exercised absolute power over their subjects. The emperors were known for their cruelty and brutality, and they maintained their power with military force and the suppression of dissent. The Roman Empire was responsible for the enslavement of millions of people, the persecution of religious minorities, and the destruction of entire civilizations. What caused the Roman demise? Fiat currency, corrupt politicians, ignoring the rule of law and immigration that destroyed the fabric of the Republic. Sound familiar?
- The Soviet Union The Soviet Union was a communist state that existed from 1922 to 1991. The Soviet Union was ruled by a single party, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which exercised total control over every aspect of society. The Soviet Union was responsible for the deaths of millions of people, both through the purges of the Stalin era and the famines that followed the collectivization of agriculture. The Soviet Union was also responsible for the oppression of religious minorities and the suppression of individual freedoms.
- Nazi Germany Nazi Germany was a fascist state that existed from 1933 to 1945. The Nazi regime was led by Adolf Hitler, who was responsible for the deaths of millions of people during the Holocaust. The Nazi regime was also responsible for the persecution of religious minorities, the suppression of individual liberties, and the destruction of entire communities.
- North Korea North Korea is a totalitarian state that has existed since 1948. The country is ruled by the Kim dynasty, which exercises total control over every aspect of society. North Korea is responsible for the deaths of millions of people, both through the famine that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union and through the brutal treatment of political prisoners. North Korea is also responsible for the suppression of individual freedoms, the persecution of religious minorities, and the destruction of entire communities.
- China is a communist state that has existed since 1949. The country is ruled by the Chinese Communist Party, which exercises total control over every aspect of society. China is responsible for the deaths of millions of people, both through the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. China is also responsible for the oppression of religious minorities and the suppression of individual freedoms.
The legacy of tyrannical regimes is one of suffering, pain, and destruction. These regimes have been responsible for the deaths of millions of people, the persecution of religious minorities, the suppression of individual freedoms, and the destruction of entire communities. It is essential that we learn from history and understand that they never last.
One thing that always survives is the individual working together in competency, creativity and cooperation based on a foundation of trust. Our founding fathers knew that which is why they created a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. A republic encourages trust, honor, and integrity whereas a democracy encourages debasement and immorality.
There is not a single Democrat who would vote for the Bill Of Rights today. And most Republicans would also vote against it. Afterall, the Bill of Rights includes the 1st and 2nd Amendments as well as the 4th and the 5th and the 9th All of which make the typical politician choke today.
But, our Founders understand how important those INDIVIUDAL RIGHTS are. Tyrannical regimes hate individual freedom because regimes are controlled by insecure men, and men are never more insecure than when they feel out of control.
Our country was also the first to be founded with the intentional separation of Church and the State. No other country in history had that in its founding documents.
Tyranny has been a constant in human history. From Xerxes, the Persian king who attempted to conquer Greece in 480 BC, to modern-day despots, the world has seen many forms of tyrannical regimes.
Xerxes, the king of Persia, is remembered as a tyrant for his failed attempt to invade Greece. He is known for his brutal tactics, including the slaughter of Greeks at Thermopylae and the burning of Athens. His reign was marked by greed, cruelty, and a desire for power, making him one of history's earliest examples of a tyrannical ruler.
The Roman Empire was another example of tyranny, particularly under the rule of Emperor Nero. Nero's reign was marked by violence and excess, including the murder of his own mother and the burning of Rome. He was known for his cruelty towards Christians, whom he blamed for the fire, and his lavish spending, which led to economic ruin.
In medieval Europe, tyrannical rulers were common. For example, King John of England is remembered for his oppressiveness and his unwillingness to abide by the rule of law. He is best known for signing the Magna Carta in 1215, which limited his power and established the principle of habeas corpus.
During the Renaissance, tyrants were common in Italy, particularly in Florence. The Medici family, for example, ruled the city for several generations, using their wealth and power to suppress political opposition and maintain control. The Borgias, another powerful family, were known for their cruelty and corruption.
The 20th century saw the rise of several notorious tyrants, including Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong. Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, is remembered for his genocidal policies, including the Holocaust, which resulted in the deaths of six million Jews. Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, was responsible for the deaths of millions of his own people through forced labor, famine, and purges. Mao Zedong, the leader of communist China, was responsible for the deaths of millions of Chinese during the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward.
In recent times, there have been many examples of tyrannical regimes, particularly in the Middle East and Africa. Saddam Hussein, the former leader of Iraq, was known for his brutal tactics, including the use of chemical weapons against his own people. Muammar Gaddafi, the former leader of Libya, ruled the country for over 40 years, using his power to suppress opposition and maintain control. Bashar al-Assad, the current leader of Syria, has been accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity for his role in the Syrian civil war.
Tyranny, in all its forms, is a reminder of the fragility of democracy and the need to protect the individual.
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